- Explore the origins and transmission of the dengue virus.
- Understand the role of mosquitoes in spreading this infectious disease.
- Learn to identify the common signs and symptoms of dengue fever.
- Discover how severe dengue can lead to complications, including low platelet counts.
Prevention: Staying Dengue-Free
- Find out essential prevention strategies, from using repellents to eliminating mosquito breeding sites.
- Incorporate citronella oil and candles from The Fragrance People for effective mosquito deterrence.
Website link👉 https://www.thefragrancepeople.com/
YouTube link 👉 https://youtube.com/@thefragrancepeople8912?si=zUuNNS1GfLZbPoGV
Instagram link 👉https://instagram.com/thefragrancepeople?igshid=NGExMmI2YTkyZg==